warning This blog contains graphic language, adult content, flashing lights, depictions of sexual assault, abuse, & addiction. This content is intended for mature audiences only [ 18+ ] Viewer discretion advised.


angel " ani " dust as strut by salppho
aka : arachnoheaux, sluttyspiderpolkacock, arachnohoebia
selectively accepting plotlines

╳♡╳♡ rules ♡╳♡╳

last updated 12/28/2023

⦕ LOGISTICS ⦖this is a 18/21+ independent roleplaying account for my personal take on ANGEL DUST from HAZBIN HOTEL ( est. 2020 ) ♡this blog will contain canon - typical themes including ( but not limited to ) graphic depictions of violence, abuse, gore, hard kinks, sexual assault, & general assholery. if you’re not comfortable with the source material, this blog / fandom is not for you ♡please have roleplaying info such as age, rules, muse(s), etc. publically available by some means. i don't privately roleplay with strangers or blank accounts. i am also primarily mobile - bound so please be mobile accessible ♡i don't tolerate blatant out - of - character bigotry as defined by my best personal judgement & patience. i am staunchly pro sex worker, [pro para](), pro ship / darkfic, & pro survivor . this is very non - negotiable so if your personal dni criteria encompasses any of this, don't be a hypocrite ♡⦕ INTERACTING ⦖please write active responses. it’s no fun driving the plot all by myself. it’s no fun being treated like an npc either, so please don’t control my end of the roleplay or make assumptions about my muse. please do feel free to discuss an idea beforehand if you'd like to take some liberties ♡ships are my favorite thing to write. radiodust, valangel, & ocs are my favorites. that being said, angel’s open to all sorts of relationships with all sorts of muses. this includes women because sex work is work & angel's not a ’ gold star ’ gay by far. he won't be opposed to costarring with women & / or performing sexual favors for his closest lady friends ♡please meet me halfway with your own ideas! i don’t vibe very well with ‘ anything’s fine! ‘ or ‘ whatever you want! ‘ i’m looking for interactions with mutual enthusiasm, not to fulfill a transaction ♡⦕ AVAILABILITY ⦖although i’m full of love for everyone i meet & wish i could be giving it all out at all times, i don’t have the resources to spread myself so thin. please be patient with me. please don’t bombard me with prodding messages if you feel like i’m taking too long to respond to you. i'm doing my best at all times, i promiseplease feel free to start & drop as many roleplays as you like! i love having multiple angles to write from & won’t grudge you for having fickle muse. likewise, please be patient with me if i move slowly or hit me up to pursue a new thread or idea if the muse for the old one flatlines ♡on that note, please don't stress over your own availability. please feel free to leave interactions without providing an explanation & return at your own leisure. as someone who's very prone to being suddenly pulled offline myself, i understand that irl happenings take precedent ♡⦕ TUMBLR - SPECIFIC ⦖inbox karma : please practice it. if we already have a lot going on i won't mind but until we establish a rapport please don't use me as a resource blog. i have one for that purpose herefor those of y'all approaching with multimuses & multiple blogs : please give me somewhere to start from! massive catalogues of muses & blogs are overwhelming to pan through, so please help me help you ♡i love community dash shenanigans & writing shared verses between multiple blogs, but single - verse blogs aren't for me. it's difficult to operate under infinite contexts & peripheral interactions with blogs i'm unfamiliar with ♡i love getting to know my writing partners through casual ooc - posting, but if you post frequent vagues, psychological manipulation / guilt tripping, negativity, & / or call - outs pertaining to frivilous personal feuds, we won't be very compatible. i trust we're all adults here capable of curating our own experiences in a responsible manner ♡⦕ lastly... ⦖please do not hold me responsible for your emotional wellness! i deeply care about everybody i meet, but i'm not an endless source of emotional labor capable of fighting through everybody's mental illness for them. if you're not ready to meet me halfway, i'm totally ok with silently vibing until our stars align. until then, please treat me nicely & like a human being who wants to be your friend, because i do! ♡⦕ thank you! ⦖thank you for reading! i look forward to getting to know you & your muse(s) ♡

╳♡╳♡ profile ♡╳♡╳

**⦕ STATS ⦖ **NAME : angel ’ ani ’ dust / anthony lucianoACCOLADES : the spider in the kinky boots / one - eyed judasBIRTHDAY/DEATHDAY : february 9th, 1912 / sometime in 1947GENDER/PRONOUNS : genderqueer cis male / he - him - hisATTRACTION : homosexual aromanticSPECIES : human turned powerful spider demon of prideETHNICITY : mexican - italianPRE MORTEM HOMETOWN : chicago, illinoisPOST MORTEM RESIDENCE : pentagram city, pride ringHEIGHT : anywhere between 8'0" - 9'0" depending on his postureTRAITSPHYSIQUE : long, lithe limbs that go on for miles. set of six, restless arms always at the ready to throw, please, or stim. taut, structured muscle reinforced by exoskeletal plates beneath peach fuzzed skin, tuft at his joints. long, muscular torso where fine hairs increase in velvety density along once humanoid patterns. ridiculously dense, cottony breasts more than supple enough to mimic mammary tissue. a voluminous, striking coif of hair concavely mirrored off the nape of his neck. his silhouette is iconic, erotic, & unmistakable. just the way he likes it.DISTINGUISHING FEATURES : warm, pastel pink body with deep rings & pseudo gloves decorating his limbs & claws. thickly tailed outline of a heart accentuating his breasts & never quite vanishing behind necklines. richly dappled face, shoulders, chest, joints, & pelvic girdle. glistening subdermal pearls adorning his lower back. a heart marking the executional sweet spot on the back of his head. ( a choker - hidden, v - shaped brand beneath it. ) eight hot pink, hypnotizing eyes. two of which primary, one of which bleeding sclera without dulling his leer. anatomy - defying, heart - shaped secondary eyes. expressive brows & hooded shadow punctuating his expressions with an exclamatory, jagged gold tooth.STYLE OF DRESS : he dresses specifically to be undressed by lingering eyes, drawing attention to curves he knows all to well to enhance. work functions call for the intimate tastes of every audience there is, casual affairs bring sultry tops & painted on shorts. daily wear he dresses for his own tastes nods the smartness of his time. high end suit, tie, pinstripes & lingerie stretching up bare thighs that would’ve crashed cars & ended the second war before it started. leather micro mini or pressed shorts depending on his mood. bared chest mirroring the heat of his labors & the pentagram sun. glittery pitch boots with heart - shaped soles red as damn, the sole staple as well.TEMPERAMENT : a loaded gun, a ticking time bomb, his emotions are explosive without regard for friendly - fire. a constant, steady smoking with sparked glimpses he allows for his own amusement like a handheld firecracker. he’s in control as much as he’s not, fear one of his greatest suppressors. the other, is love. for love, his patience can run indefinitely. for love, he’ll learn to hold his violent tongue & twitching, trigger - happy limbs. for love he’ll come full circle & relentlessly erupt. he’s also the life of every party. hell’s his playground & he’s queen bee. those on his good side will experience a sickening sweetness like no other. those on his bad side won’t leave unharmed.INTELLIGENCE : everything the books don’t teach you. everything the books don’t even want you to know. his emotional intelligence is higher than heaven, vastly skewed against how much he actually cares. he can read body language & the most minute reactions like a flashing neon sign. it’s protected him. it’s been the difference between life & death pre as well as post mortem. he recalls the smallest details, bits of information that will benefit him later, as well as holds grudges tighter than a twelve inch corset. he’s quick with arithmetic, mental maps, & has profound spatial reasoning. all accomplished & developed on his own, as he never finished primary schooling. though he’s not immune to occasional slips of the mind, he plays up ignorance to lower guards.SKILLS & ABILITIES : hell became him & so did the spider. venom & silk ( both oral & spinneret ) with potency aligning his health. physical strength to capsize 200x his weight. a powerful jump that could easily clear a building. a heightened sixth sense from his bodily hairs constantly picking up signals from demonic energy to changes in mood & atmosphere. supernatural control over & projection from vibrations reminiscent of the peacock spider’s dance. shapeshifting abilities into a terrifying demonic form. acrobatic prowess that’s earned him the top spot in the adult entertainment industry. his weapon proficiency’s just as astounding, but he vastly prefers the showmanship of a shower of bullets over well - aimed shots to preserve them.ALIGNMENT : 99.9% evil, 100% chaotic he’s an evil, capricious man, yet nothing but an angel to the select few who tap into his good side as well as those he could consider allies to his own endeavors. he takes care of his own & wouldn’t think twice about sending everyone else to double hell.LIKES : fat nuggets, men, drugs, drink, sex, money, pranks, singing, playing instruments, dancing, violence, action, kids, cooking, baking, flirting, the color pink, italian food, animals, dancing, performing, guns, casu martsu, insects, independence, the feel of deep bass in his fluffDISLIKES : peppermint ( allergy ) , lousy tippers & cheapskates, detroit pizza, the look of his feet, people who look down upon him, water, a certain moth overlord, being tied up, being called a twink, clothes that don’t fit him, things that ruin his fun, dissonant soundsTROPES : ethical slut, bishōnen, camp gay, gayngster, hired guns, affably evil, ax - crazy, black widow, combat sadomasochist, the corruptor, the dreaded, evil is sexy, the hedonist, historical rap sheet, in love with your carnage, literal maneater, retired mobster, spree killerNSFWGENERAL ROLE DETAILS : he prefers to be a service dominant & top, finding utmost pleasure in unraveling his partners, but isn’t immune to the enjoyments of every role.GENERAL BODY DETAILS :he has an exceptionally long & forked prehensile tongue. low doses of his venom can deliver pleasurable numbing & tingling sensations, but can vary by demon. he’s a full 9" erect & shaped like a combination of bad dragon’s ridley & xerxes with lovecore tweaks. orgasms excessive loads that overflow most lovers. other iterations of him include various sets of primary & secondary sex characteristics. he considers such a private & personal form of drag rather than it having any bearing over his sense of self or identity.visual reference (nsfw warning)

╳♡╳♡ additional info

╳♡╳♡ synopsis ♡╳♡╳

CONTENT WARNINGS ( not in depth, but mentioned / implied ) : racism, homophobia, organized crime, murder, substance abuse, sexual abuse, cannibalismanthony “ ani ” d'amato - ficara was born to a first generation italian immigrant father & mexican civil war refugee mother in the city of chicago in 1912. he was a rambunctious yet affectionate child who ran the streets with his siblings & got into neighborhood scuffles with the children of his parents’ gang’s rivals, which would set the stage for their criminal lives in adulthood. as soon as prohibition rolled around, anthony dropped out of school & helped the family bootlegging business.anthony then made the transition into a life of crime, his first murder being the execution of a traitor who was his father’s best friend. here, ani learned that the type of affection he began to crave from other boys was a symbol of death in mafia culture. nonetheless, he found himself drawn to it. his insatiable cravings for violence & affection quickly rose him up the ranks despite his young age, landing him a position as one of the masquerading police officers in the st. valentine’s day massacre in 1929 & the outfit’s go - to executioner. the terror of his weaponized sexuality all but erased the betrayal rate within the organization to the point where he eventually started framing his peers in an endless pursuit of violent affection.the older he got, the less excuse he had to stay a bachelor so he made a pact with & married his asexual childhood friend, bel zinone*. the two were nonetheless platonic soulmates & had a fulfilling marriage that successfully veiled each of their queer identities. their masquerade worked flawlessly until anthony encountered a man who mirrored his affections at the premiere of the glass menagerie ( 1945 ) , the play that popularized the phrase “ gentleman caller ” .the violent confrontation of a life he could’ve been living was the pin of the grenade housing all his repressed trauma. his use of drugs & drink skyrocketed. he went on a killing spree where he infiltrated underground queer scenes, courted lovers, & executed all witnesses to his desires. some were slain the morning after, some the middle of the act. near the end, victims took advantage of his inebriations & escaped before he could deal mortal blows. he also discovered an obsession with sexual cannibalism.eventually, his sloppiness called for his own demise by the reigning mafia don. his wife fought off his executioners before they could get to him, but he was already dead from an overdose.ani landed in hell a rather powerful demon, rampaging off his mortal high for weeks before finally coming to his senses & reverting to his natural demonic form. finally allowed to relentlessly be himself, he did just that. hardly any demons in his area could hold a candle to his power, & those who weren’t slain by his hand became territorial allies, lovers, or both. he thrived on the freedom, power, & desire he wielded.yet, he still wanted more. when a more powerful demon offered it to him, he took it without hesitation. valentino aspired to create an empire of sex & power, two things that drew ani to his flame. as they took over territory after territory, they became known as a power couple to be reckoned with. eventually, ani took on the name angel dust as an ode to the drug that brought him to this violent, hedonistic paradise, where every demon knew his name, his face, & most importantly, unapologetically craved his sexuality.then the power started to blind his tyrannical partner & lover, making it all too easy to cast angel to the wayside in favor of more money, more glory, more lucrative partnerships, & most direly, angel’s own autonomy. when he wanted him to dance, he danced. when he wanted to film, he filmed. when angel dared to deny him, valentino punished him with physical, sexual, & psychological torture that forced his submission. for decades, angel remained under overlord valentino’s control as hell’s #1 porn star, but he never stopped challenging him.when angel took the opportunity to move into the happy hotel, it was the furthest he’d ever gotten from valentino. still a constant threat, but he could breathe a little deeper. his company was different. it made him sick for awhile, but he was eating hearty meals everyday & feeling more himself. his strength began to return, & so did the defiant glint in his eye. revenge would be sweet.note to valentino writers : y'all don’t have to follow this lovers - to - enemies narrative with them if you don’t vibe with it! hit me up with your personal headcanons & we can come up with something uniquely theirs ♥️* an older oc of mine i mained musing before angel ♥️

╳♡╳♡ writer ♡╳♡╳

my name is salppho ( he / it latinasian aspec lesbian )i’m a queer studies & pre medical graduate with an honor’s distinction in sex worker advocacy & rape culture with a love of scholarship exploring the intersections between gender, race, trauma, & all that jazzi also work full time night shifts as an emergency medical technician in a busy emergency room & hope to become an er doctor or trauma surgeon someday ♡sex positivity, raunch aesthetics, queer media, radiodust, & creating slutty artwork has a special place in my heart. i may draw our muses from time to time! ♡i’m also a multigenerational domestic violence survivor with cptsd on the long, but very hopeful road to recovery & independence... with physical disabilities to boot! ♡although i am very open with my life's struggles & the challenges i continue to face, i assure it's not meant to be disheartening. i speak out with the hopes of helping others' with similar struggles not feel alone, spread awareness, offer experience & insight, & most of all, make friends! ♡my discord's available to writing partners upon request & discretion. i also run a small, homey dead dove radiodust server! ♡see my personal carrd for more info, including commissions & links to my other socials ♡

╳♡╳♡ links ♡╳♡╳

╳♡╳♡ demon spiderology 101 ♡╳♡╳

cw for monster body horror ( in the mildest sense ) , mentions of starvation & abuse , descriptions of peen , sexual cannibalism , & monster spiderlings⦕ general ⦖angel's a peacock spider, which is also a type of jumping spider. they characteristically have huge ass primary eyes & six secondary eyeshis body temperature runs high both naturally as well as due to the effects of being constantly high on pcphas both arachnid & mamallian characteristics, most notably an internal as well as plated cartilaginous exoskeleton beneath his skinpink peach fuzz everywhere, thickens along areas of natural male - patterned hair growth & his joints ( ex : chest, happy trail, pelvic girdle, butt, elbows, shoulders )his sensory hairs can effectively gauge another demon's mood & / or power levels, but also subject him to a near constant state of sensory overload that can only be remedied by quiet, substances, & / or hyper bass music that drowns most background vibes outhe's actually very pink bc he takes a lot of blood baths to keep his color richintensely freckled along his chest, cheeks, shoulders, pelvic girdle, joints, & ends of his hairscattered iridescent hairs that make him sparkle in the lighthot pink glittery blood, pearly white & glittery semen, neon green venompink heart shaped mole on his upper left breastback dimple piercings ( usually white pearls, but sometimes pink / red jeweled studs, wings, & / or a connecting chain )⦕ austral spring hormonal cycle ⦖whether or not he exhibits more instinctive female & / or male jumping spider characteristics varies depending on how he's feeling & whether or not he has a somewhat dedicated relationship going on. usually, he defaults to masculinemasculine : high anxiety in the presence of current partner & / or women in general ; excessive gifting, cooking, & baking ; brightened colors ; involuntary shimmies & shakes ; territorial over the kitchen & feeding people ; aversive to sex bc invasive instinctual thoughts tell him it'll end badly ( i.e. his death bc spiders are sexual cannibals )feminine : sexual cannibalism ; aggression ; growth spurt ; nesting ; fat redistribution ; darkened colors ; excessive web production ; eats everyone's food as well as anyone who pisses him off enough
both : territorial ; possessive ; will fight others for monopoly over his current object of care ( sexual or platonic partner ; kitchen ; food ; etc. )
⦕ notes about angel's health ⦖the level of angel's health determines the strength of his arachnid physiologyhis health is directly proportional to how well he eatsbefore joining porn studio & being subject to valentino's diet restrictions, his abilities were rather potent & powerfulhe loses his abilities at the height of his career, but considers it a worthwhile sacrifice... until he recognizes & processes his abuseafter alastor moves into the hotel & ( presumably ) provides him with adequate nutrition on a regular basis, he slowly but steadily regains his abilities ( after a first week or so of excessive nutrition making him sick )however, he'd need to relearn how to control prior vestigial muscles & that poses a challenge for him⦕ vibrations ⦖he can vibrate his exoskeletal plates to create pleasurable & / or dissonant sensations around himhe often enhances his dancing with them to influence the audienceat their most destructive they can shatter glass, rock airships, microwave a demon's innards into bursting, & create a sonic boomat their most pleasant, he can give amazing massages, sex, & a general sense of relaxation & warmth to those around himhe often subconsciously vibrates with his emotions, but it's only detectable to demons particularly sensitive to sound⦕ venom ⦖controlled by flexing certain muscles in his jawbaseline potency is a mild, pleasant, tingling sensationhighest potency is corrosivemild to medium effects vary by demon including numbness, arousal, hallucinations, paralysis, local to widespread necrosis, & other potential effects including medicinal in small doses⦕ webbing ⦖produced both orally as well as through genital spinnerslight pink & can glow a deep magenta ( much like the addict mv stage )contains his pheromones & responds to his energy vibrationshe controls its disintegration by will & / or proximity ( the more powerful he is, the longer he can maintain it from a long distance )strong enough to stop a high caliber bullet & shield from explosionscan also seal wounds & mark lovers⦕ genitals ⦖exoskeletal plating along his body applies to his penisthe more aroused he is, the bigger the space between the plates, the more textured his shaft becomeshe has hearts lining both sides as well as a mix of light pink body & dark pink mark coloringhe has a knot he can voluntarily flex to either tie himself to or pose a larger challenge to his partner⦕ spinnerets ⦖at peak physical fitness, he can flex a gland that mixes venom into his sperm & disintegrate a partner from the inside outhis spinners lie along his perineum. when vestigial, they shrink into his bodywhen functional, they can expand, act as powerful pinchers strong enough to snap a steel cable, & fold flat against him when not in use & / or he's tucking⦕ overlord changes ⦖the spots on his head turn into hearts, he develops considerable yet lithe muscle tone, & all his abilities are at peak ( & growing ) strengthdisclaimer : all the points below are based on the hc that all demons powerful enough to reach overlord status & potentially challenge the throne regain the means to reproduceas he nears overlord levels of power, his testes internalize & his scrotum fold into labiahe also grows a womb capable of conceiving offspring as well as functional breast tissueunless angel successfully wills them not to, they'll eat him & the father too
offspring consist of an egg sac filled with millions of hungry non sentient spiderlings looking to consume demons en masse
when they run out of demons to eat, they turn to themselvesit's a powerful last resort bio nuke basicallythe only way to actually raise one would be to save / isolate them until they develop sentience a day or so after hatching & are properly fedeither way both he & his partner are probably better off with him NOT being the one to carry their children

╳♡╳♡ shipping details ♡╳♡╳

preferably dominant. occasionally submissive. primarily versatile.
preferably top. occasionally bottom. primarily switch. never stone. always service.
riding / being ridden. missionary. lotus. doggy. flatiron. legs on shoulders. standing up. standing while partner sits on surface. back to front. amazon.
rarely monogamous. possibly polyamorous. preferably open. open to swinging. primarily hook-ups & platonic. ( the only exception to monogamy is radiodust, as other relationships including them are a bit of a squick )
prefers dominance, nurturing, being monetary provider, sharing household management.
occasionally prefers being nurtured, sharing monetary burden, independent monetary responsibility, managing the household, independent living spaces.
avoids monetary dependency, having household managed by partner.
he wants it more than he'll ever admit, envious of the women from his time living the american ideal, being courted the way they were, living simple lives centered around their husband. cagey as it seemed, he dreamed it would be so much better than living in the closet. when it finally hit him that it would be something he could never be or even try, he took it out on the world. i.e. violently killed people about it. he still wants it now, but the pipe dream of marriage died with his mortal self.
yes, getting him to care enough to want possession over someone's the challenge
DOES YOUR MUSE LIKE POSSESSIVE PARTNERS? ♡ y e s , but in the super specific way & under the super specific circumstances that make it enjoyable for himDO THEY LIKE DOM/SUB ROLES IN ALL ASPECTS OF RELATIONSHIPS? (i.e. dom’s responsibility both sexually and in life is to take care of the sub and look after them. sometimes utilizing sexual and nonsexual rewards/punishments to incentivize them to carry out self care or other responsibilities) ♡
YES. he takes the daddy / provider role VERY seriously. he wants to be a gentleman to other gentlemen : open doors for them, take their coats on / off, walk them on the sidewalk away from the street, take the leading dance role, pay for dinner, cook for them, help them dress, carry them, take care of them, you get the idea.
it depends on what his partner wants or needs, but right in the afterglow he'll be watching them, watching their body, seeing & feeling which muscles are strained & gently massaging them out, telling them how gorgeous they look, asking them how they feel, easing them into more comfortable positions as they come down, etc.
leaving an open door with nonverbal cues & actions proving that it won't slam shut or trap him in. basically, reassurance that there's patience, no rushing to open up, & there'll be no judgement or punishment when he does. not to say that sometimes he gets destructively closed off & needs some coaxing sometimes. he'd do the same for his partner, too.